QuestionsCategory: ParentingBaby Weaning – Can you advise on the best first steps
New Mum asked 4 years ago

Help don’t know where to start! Forums give almost too much information 

1 Answers
Riverside Cares Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi there,
Thanks for this question. First step, keep it relaxed and make sure your baby is ready. For example, being able to sit upright and hold their head steady, swallow food instead of pushing it back out and be able to pick food up and put it in their mouth. Recommended age is about 6 months. Also, I would strongly recommend some sort of plastic floor covering weaning is a messy business as children are learning how to eat.
Choose a time of day when you have time and allow your baby to take some milk first so they are not very hungry. Start with just a couple of spoonfuls then give them the rest of their milk.   
There’s lots of evidence now that starting with vegetable tastes is a great way to start weaning.  Vegetables are often quite bitter in flavour and children need to learn to like the taste of these, so a veg-first approach is recommended as a good way to help your child get a taste for these foods.  There’s lots of guidance online, but we like this recommendation from Little Foodie:
We hope this helps and you enjoy the journey of introducing solids to your little one!
Best wishes,
Emma and Jill